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Regulatory Monitoring Consultant - July 2024

remote, remote
For one of our clients we are looking for a Regulatory Consultant for Sustainable Energy Solutions

Project name: Design of a Regulatory Monitoring Framework for client’s Innovation

Project description: The Innovation department of our client is the spearhead of innovation (and to an extent, strategic and transformational) activities. The ambitious CO2-neutral roadmap 2035 was recently announced as part of the new strategy. The overall energy sector in Germany and more generally in Europe is going through a crisis putting in jeopardy the affordability of energy and security of supply, and consequently questioning the speed of energy climate neutrality. In this complex environment, the Government and regulatory institutions in Europe (to our concern namely German government and the European Commission) are adapting the current legislation that affects the energy sector and adjacent sectors (Industrial sector) in order for companies to navigate the difficult environment and continue its pathway towards the Energy transition. In this context, it is urgent and highly relevant that the Innovation department is up to date on the latest updates of the regulation that can / may affect our projects and potential businesses as well as opening opportunity spaces for new businesses. Given the speed of action, unstructured monitoring is not sufficient anymore, and we, therefore, need to establish a systematic approach to understand the different policies in place, and the changes and new policies being implemented (resulting in such regulatory framework).

Project name: Continued development of the Regulatory Monitoring Framework (‘Policy & Regulation Radar’ or ‘P&R Radar’) from Uniper Innovation.

Project description: The Innovation department in Uniper is the spearhead of Uniper’s innovation (and to an extent, strategic and transformational) activities. The ambitious CO2-neutral roadmap 2035 was recently announced as part of the new strategy. The overall energy sector in Germany and more generally in Europe is going through a crisis putting in jeopardy the affordability of energy and security of supply, and consequently questioning the speed of energy climate neutrality. In this complex environment, the Government and regulatory institutions in Europe (to our concern namely German government and the European Commission) are adapting the current legislation that affects the energy sector and adjacent sectors (Industrial sector) in order for companies to navigate the difficult environment and continue its pathway towards the Energy transition. In this context, it is urgent and highly relevant that the Innovation department is up to date on the latest updates of the regulation that can / may affect our projects and potential Uniper businesses as well as opening opportunity spaces for new businesses. Given the speed of action, unstructured monitoring is not sufficient anymore, and we, therefore, need to establish a systematic approach to understand the different policies in place, and the changes and new policies being implemented (resulting in such regulatory framework).

  • Further development of the regulatory monitoring framework that embeds the policies (regulations and legislations) in the EU and the four client core countries (Germany, United Kingdom, Sweden, Netherlands), with priority on EU and Germany – that affect the business models (esp. the growth business models). Following our strategic focus areas (“flexible green power” and “greener gasses”), the P&R Radar provides key information on relevant regulations for different business units. Within the scope of our further development, add new content and refine / tailor existing information in line with business needs in order to enhance the value of the platform.
  • The goal of the P&R Radar is to provide structured criteria and KPIs, and the key information on each shortlisted policy, in order for the client business units to assess the essence of a policy (new or updated policy) and be able to derive implications from it for our business areas and models (defined within the focus areas mentioned above). Understand business needs and inquire feedback from business units based on own professional expertise and create a plan for implementing improvement proposals, present it to the client for a sign-off, then implement them. Gather a general understanding of the different business models at the client (about which all necessary information will be provided by the client in advance), in order to derive a first high-level business impact assessment.
  • Analyze and take into consideration the different stages of legislation in the energy sector and assess the implications of each policy according to this stage. Layout the key KPIs that need to be monitored in order to identify a threshold/tipping point when a policy, that currently has no direct/tangible implications, becomes impactful. Present results to the client for a sign-off and for further use.
  • Provide professional consultancy in the development of the final product to the respective legal department, CCGR (Corporate Communication & Governmental Relations) team, Innovation Managers, and the Radar team so that the final product can be reviewed by the client and signed-off so that the Radar team can take over it after the project. Goal of the task is to establish a process that translates the inputs from the legal department into triggers for action for the Innovation managers. Present results to the client for a sign-off for further use.
  • Develop the framework based on own professional expertise and different information sources, and include other relevant insights and information sources available within the client that will be provided by the client in the course of the project that consist of the following: expert interviews via external service providers (AlphaSights), research into official regulatory documents, other market sources accessible to Innovation (Lux, Bloomberg, Argus, Quantum Commodity Intelligence), internal analysis documents, but also other sources based on own expertise in the field. Present results to the client for a sign-off for further use.
  • The goal after the completion of the above mentioned developed framework is to have created a “next level” Policy & Regulation platform, which provides detailed information about the different policies that affect our businesses described in the previous points so that the project managers and business analysts at the client are able to form an opinion on the implications the policy has for each of the businesses pursued in innovation. Furthermore, another goal is that the Innovation department will be able to update the regulatory monitoring in a structured and resource-efficient way.
  • Provide professional consultancy to the client regarding the further technical development of the P&R Radar, which currently works on a SharePoint basis:
    • Guide and steer internal IT departments involved in the continued development process to maintain and enhance functionality and business fit as well as prevent badly designed features and upgrades.
    • Provide professional consultancy to the client in inquired business needs and feedback based on own expertise as well as provide professional opinion in the technological development process
    • Provide improvement suggestions to the client to enhance usability and contents
    • Conduct a research of suited market solutions and provision of ideas based on own experiences and insights in implementation of suited AI tools or in other topics suggested based on own expertise. Present the results of all research to the client for a sign-off and for further use.
  • Create information materials for users (or in other words, tutorials) with key messages and explanations of the P&R Radar (in excel or PowerBI or in any other tool based on own professional expertise as long as it addresses the right content and answers the posed questions). Present the created information materials to the client for a sign-off and for further use.
  • Prepare online workshops on a monthly basis on specific regulatory topics for the client business units in an amount based on own professional expertise. Present the plans for these workshops to the client for a sign-off including the suggested amount of these workshops. Conduct the workshops and document them based on presented topics, questions and answers to them. Present documentation to the client for a sign-off and for further use.
  • Prepare on-demand analysis on the impact of a regulation on business models. Present the results of the analysis to client for a sign-off for further use.
  • Create documentation on project progress and provide an update on a monthly basis. In the project documentation, summarize the chronological project history in terms of feedback and input received, actions taken, decisions made and explain the reasoning behind them and also describe project results.
  • Moderate and document weekly project meetings online and prepare, conduct, consolidate and present results of monthly remote project workshops for internals based on own expertise and on the information coming from the client. The aim of these workshops is to identify project-related content on individual project needs within the overall Regulatory Monitoring Framework.
  • Provide professional consultancy to the Innovation Manager who is responsible for the Area on specific content in the topic of top management communication and internal innovation communication based on own expertise.
  • Present the final outcome to the cross-disciplinary team using MS Office and MS Teams.

Start: ASAP
Capacity: 32h/week
Location: remote
Duration: 6 months+


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